Today I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday!
Winter is practically back here in northeast. Not kidding... it was cold here this week. Like cold enough to flurry and turn the heat on.
Here are some highlights from our week!
Here are some highlights from our week!
ONE: Plants
We continued our plant unit this week. The kids are loving learning about plants. This week we learned about flowering and nonflowering plants. The kids did a great job reading and writing about both types of plants.
We even took a mini "field trip" outside to find a flowering and nonflowering plant. The kids loved seeing these plants in the real world.
TWO: Earth Day
Just a few highlights from some of our Earth Day festivities. We had a great discussion about ways to help our Earth. We sorted cards based on whether or not they would help the Earth. This seemed to help the kids write about one way they could help the Earth.

We also watched an Annie and Moby video on BrainPop Jr. about recycling as well as the recycling video on Flocabulary. If you haven't tried Flocabulary yet do yourself a favor and sign up for the free trial. So many great songs that the kids love.
We also watched an Annie and Moby video on BrainPop Jr. about recycling as well as the recycling video on Flocabulary. If you haven't tried Flocabulary yet do yourself a favor and sign up for the free trial. So many great songs that the kids love.
Adding and subtracting tens is my favorite math unit to teach. It's the culmination of every math unit we've done this year and the kiddos are so confident in math and ready to begin regrouping! This week we used a game and a hundreds charts as well as several strategies to add and subtract tens. I love to see what strategies the kids gravitate towards.
FOUR: Graphic Organizers
I love using graphic organizers during guided reading times. They're so versatile and so easy to prep and can be used with every book we read during guided reading. My kiddos rocked these main idea organizers this week!
FIVE: Hockey Playoffs
We have a few hockey fans in our class and more specifically New York Rangers fans, myself included. Big game tonight to close out the first series...we put up some NY Rangers banners in our classroom to celebrate the playoffs! GO RANGERS!
We just talked to our second grade group in ELL about cones. They couldn't believe cones made seeds. We worked on a Venn Diagram comparing flowers and cones and they did such a great job! Plant units always seem to be a student favorite!