Today I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday!
Here are some highlights from our week!
ONE: Telling Time
We worked on telling time to the hour and half hour this week. We used all the usual manipulaitves to learn how to tell time, i.e. a large Judy clock as well as individual Judy clocks. I think the most engaging thing we did this week was play this game on our Promethean Board. All the kids were engaged and they loved seeing who could get the high score.
The picture is a bit hard to see but the kids need to read the analog clock and tap the digital clock that matches the time. Here's the link to the game if you want to try it out. There's also a great game on ABCya that my kids enjoyed this week as well.
TWO: Morning Calendar
The picture is a bit hard to see but the kids need to read the analog clock and tap the digital clock that matches the time. Here's the link to the game if you want to try it out. There's also a great game on ABCya that my kids enjoyed this week as well.
TWO: Morning Calendar
I love our calendar time each morning. We get so much accomplished in 15 minutes and we review a ton of skills each day. I truly believe this has been one of the reasons my kids have made so much progress this year.
This time of the year the kids know the routines and expectations and instead of hearing me talk and ask questions about the calendar pages (ELA and math pages) I decided to have my kiddos work together to check their work. We've done this from time to time and the kids always beg me to do more of it. They are so willing to help or "coach" each other without giving away any answers and today was no different!
THREE: Sight Word Group Work
This time of the year the kids know the routines and expectations and instead of hearing me talk and ask questions about the calendar pages (ELA and math pages) I decided to have my kiddos work together to check their work. We've done this from time to time and the kids always beg me to do more of it. They are so willing to help or "coach" each other without giving away any answers and today was no different!
THREE: Sight Word Group Work
This week we worked in groups to sequence our sight word sentences. We do this throughout the year but towards the end of the year when you think this would be "easy" for the kids it tends to be harder. We had a few challenges this week while working together! We even stopped at one point to discuss and model how to work with others... this teaching moment proved important as they kids were able to work together successfully for the rest of the day!

FOUR: Polyhedral Dice
I ordered these dice and they finally came in this week! I am so excited to use these and I have a ton of ideas I'd love to try! This morning we played a quick game of adding three numbers as we sat around our carpet. The kids worked together adding the three numbers and we were able to discuss the different strategies we use to add... I was so proud of my kiddos!!
FIVE: New York Rangers
FOUR: Polyhedral Dice
I ordered these dice and they finally came in this week! I am so excited to use these and I have a ton of ideas I'd love to try! This morning we played a quick game of adding three numbers as we sat around our carpet. The kids worked together adding the three numbers and we were able to discuss the different strategies we use to add... I was so proud of my kiddos!!
FIVE: New York Rangers
Game 7 is tonight... I'm so nervous!! It seems like the Rangers play some important games on Friday night when I'm writing these posts! My kiddos and I love the Rangers and we had a few extra minutes this afternoon so we quickly put together this graph... looks like my kiddos have faith in the Rangers and King Henrik!
Let's Go Rangers!!
I love the part about calendar. I will have to read more, I want to up the rigor next year. And the working together, don't we all need that time and reminders? Sounds like a great week!