I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for
Friday. We survived our first full week of school and we had a blast!

Friday. We survived our first full week of school and we had a blast!

Here are some highlights from our week!
ONE: Pocket Chart
We spent a ton of time this week practicing pocket chart workstation. My kiddos are doing a great job and they're so excited to use the materials at this station. We've done some math and some short vowel work on the pocket chart this week.
Two girls asked to use the pocket chart during free choice time at the end of the day! I love the excitement and enthusiasm from little kids.
TWO: Journals
ONE: Pocket Chart
We spent a ton of time this week practicing pocket chart workstation. My kiddos are doing a great job and they're so excited to use the materials at this station. We've done some math and some short vowel work on the pocket chart this week.
Two girls asked to use the pocket chart during free choice time at the end of the day! I love the excitement and enthusiasm from little kids.
TWO: Journals
We did a ton of work in our math and ELA "explorer" journals. We took it very slow the first few days so I know the kids understand the routines and expectations as we use them almost every day.
THREE: Word Work
We began working on different word work activities this week. I introduced a few different options and the kids had a chance to try them with a buddy after we worked on them during whole group time.
This week we were working on short a and the kids were able to build short a words as well as come up with their own short a words for different word families.
FOUR: Writing Workshop
We began working on different word work activities this week. I introduced a few different options and the kids had a chance to try them with a buddy after we worked on them during whole group time.
This week we were working on short a and the kids were able to build short a words as well as come up with their own short a words for different word families.
FOUR: Writing Workshop
We began writing workshop this week and the kids have fallen in LOVE. I had a few ask me today if they could start a new book because they had another idea that they wanted to write about! I couldn't be happier!! We talked a lot about coming up with topics to write about as well touching and telling before sketching and writing. The kids are really buying in and I have seen some great writing!
Today after our mini-lesson and writing time I had one of my more reluctant writers share their work on the document camera/promethean board. What a motivating way to share his work and he was so happy to show it off!
I also let my kids turn and share their work with a buddy. They were thrilled! It's amazing how proud they all were. I can't wait to dig a little deeper next week as we focus on zooming into our small moment stories a bit more.
Today after our mini-lesson and writing time I had one of my more reluctant writers share their work on the document camera/promethean board. What a motivating way to share his work and he was so happy to show it off!
I also let my kids turn and share their work with a buddy. They were thrilled! It's amazing how proud they all were. I can't wait to dig a little deeper next week as we focus on zooming into our small moment stories a bit more.
Five: Positive Reinforcement
I am a huge believer in positive reinforcement. I love rewarding those students that are working hard and making good choices... they deserve it. It also serves as a great way to motivate those that perhaps aren't making good choices.
I do use a clipchart system in my room and I am a believer. I I've also been using a VIP basket and seat sack to highlight one student each day. At the end of the previous day I announce the VIP and the kids get so excited. I've heard some of them talking throughout the day about behaviors that would earn them the VIP basket... so cute!
I've also sort of jumped on the Brag Tag bandwagon and I'm glad I did. I've been handing out a few each day and the tags have sparked some great conversation about character education topics.
Have a great weekend. Don't forget to visit Doodle Bugs Teaching!
That seat sack is great! Where dd you get it?
ReplyDeleteI found the seat sacks at the Target dollar spot a few years ago... I stocked up and packed them away in a closet and finally took them out this year to use!