Book Study: Chapters 1 and 2

I have to say I'm three chapters in and I'm blown away!  It's great to read this book and realize that much of what I do in my classroom is developmentally appropriate and is really what's best for kids to learn.  I'm also enjoying the new ideas I've gotten so far.  I've even started using them in my room. 

I love that the book starts out with two scenarios.  It's obvious that scenario 2 is what we all want and work so hard to achieve each and every day.  I'm so excited to read this book... I'm sure we'll be learning a ton of great ideas from the book as well as all the amazing teachers that are joining in on the conversation!

Chapter 1 Brainstorming and Discussion

How I'm Already Using This:
I loved reading this chapter and realizing that I'm doing a ton of this already.  We "turn and talk" and "turn and teach" all the time.  I truly believe my kiddos are some of the best teachers in my room.  We use this strategy during writing workshop, math, our ela daily 5 rotations and guided reading lessons. Kids learn by talking it out.  

I also loved the "Think, Pair, Share" idea.  I use this in my room from time to time and I'd love to find some ways to use it.  I'm thinking our math workshop block might be perfect for this.  We've been doing a ton of talking about problem solving and using different strategies to come up with the same answer in math.  I think the "Think, Pair, Share" idea would be just great for these discussions to occur in smaller groups or with buddies.

What I Want to Try:
I love that buddies/groups are called families.  How clever and motivating to ensure all are working together and are respectful of one another, just like a family.  I love the idea of working in families to check answers and find a consensus if discrepancies occur.  I can just hear the conversations that would take place!

I also love that this chapter included some interventions for the kiddos that are having some trouble sharing or answering questions.  The sentence starters are a great way to help kids in the primary grades answer questions and participate in discussions.  We all know kiddos in K-1 need modeling, and more modeling, and sometimes even more modeling!  Ensuring all the kiddos are involved and engaged is so important!

Chapter 2 Artwork

I must admit when I need to cut something, this is where I cut from.  However, I've worked hard this year to tie every piece of artwork or craft to some kind of learning.  It's been a success.  The kids love the end product and I love all the learning that takes place.  

How I'm Already Using This:
During our vocabulary instruction each week we act out and draw out new words.  I've seen such an improvement in my kiddos vocabulary.  They're using these words in discussions and with their peers.  My teacher heart is so happy.  They're even able to use these words weeks down the road and they're making connections to new words and new topics.  Let's be honest, that's ultimately what we want so I couldn't be happier.    

In science we've been drawing and labeling various topics we've been studying throughout the year. At first I thought this would be a disaster with everyone saying they couldn't draw what they needed to draw but the kiddos love this and it truly shows me how much they have learned.  

What I Want to Try:
I love the idea of an illustrated math vocabulary journal.  Math terms can be confusing to some and drawing out the term may jog their memory when they return to that definition for help.  

I also love the poster idea for the end of a unit!  Working together to showcase all the facts or details of a unit is such a fun way to show all that the kiddos have learned.  I also want to the try designing the book cover to work on main idea.  Main idea can be tricky to teach as the kiddos often can't put into words what the book or story was mostly about.  Drawing a picture in the form on a book cover seems like just the right idea to help them understand main idea and apply it to a project! 

Sorry for the lack of pictures on this post!  Didn't really think about wanting pictures to go along with this until last night when I sat down to write the post.  Will try hard next week to snap some pictures.

I can't wait to read other posts/comments.  There are amazing teachers on these blogs and in the comment sections of the blogs and I can't wait to hear all about your ideas and successes in your own classrooms.

Head back to Kickin' It in Kindergarten for more ideas from other amazing bloggers.  

Happy Saturday morning... the sun in shining and we have two days off! 


Five for Friday - Return from Winter Break

I'm linking up today for Five for Friday!

ONE- Back to School
Our district had last week off for Winter Break.  It was great to have the week off to catch up on some planning and other projects that needed my attention.  

We've been stuck in the deep freeze here. However, this week we didn't have any snow!  Thank goodness.  I'm done with the snow this winter.

It warmed up a bit this week and I was able to snap these pictures of beautiful sunrises as I was leaving for school in the morning. Spring IS coming!

TWO- 100th Day
We finally celebrated the 100th day of school this week.  This was the first year I had my Firsties bring in a collection of 100 items.  I'm glad I did it... they really enjoyed sharing their items.  To add some math to this activity we counted our items by 1s, 5s, and 10s.  It was a great way to end the 100th day!
Kids got creative with 100 items... marshmallows, erasers, toys, goldfish crackers

We also did a quick writing activity about what we would be like when we're 100.  I snapped a few pictures of the writing. One of my kiddos wrote that when he's 100 he'll be president... love it!  To them the president is old, doesn't matter how old, just old!

These two wrote about living in a nursing home and having glasses... so sweet.

Thank you Teachers Pay Teachers for a huge sale the last two days.  Teachers appreciate the discount!  I stocked up on a TON of clipart.  Thank you Krista Wallden at Creative Clips for your amazing clipart... I can't wait to use it all!!

FOUR - March is Here
I feel like I've been scrambling all week to get some things prepped and ready for next week.  I can't believe it's March already. 

I spent a bit of time this week creating addition and subtraction games to go with some gold coins I found for St. Patrick's Day. My kiddos played the addition games this week and we'll be moving on to the subtraction games next week. 

When I broke out these coins on Monday the kids went NUTS.  It's always amazing to me how something so simple can be so exciting and motivating to the kids. I love teaching first grade... such a gift!

This sweetie finished the game and was so proud... she asked me to come look and take a picture!

FIVE - Report Cards
I feel like I've been working on report cards and assessments for weeks.  Perhaps I have been with all the days off and delays we've had.  Report cards are due in a few weeks and I am knee-deep in assessments.  Even though it adds a layer of stress to the days I love seeing how far the kids have progressed and I love working with them one-on-one.

One of the best ideas I've seen on Pinterest is using an iPad or tablet for word lists you want your kiddos to read.  I use my iPad for a sight word and phonics list... no more flipping through cards or presenting the kids with a long list of words to read.  This is such a life-saver!

Thanks so much for visiting... have a great weekend!

Wordless Wednesday - 100th Day

I'm linking up with Miss DeCarbo for:

Today was finally our 100th day of school... all the snow days delayed our celebration for a few days!  

Is anyone still waiting to celebrate the 100th day?

To celebrate out 100th day we wrote about what we might look like or what we might be doing when we're 100.  One of my Firsties wrote about living in a nursing home... how cute!

Have a great rest of your week!


Peek at my Week - Winter Break Over

That's right... we had the whole week off for winter break!  It has been sooooo cold here so I was inside for most of the week!  During the day last Monday the wind chill hit minus 31...cannot believe this winter!  

Upside to this weather is that I got a ton of planning done and finished some games and activities.  My biggest labor of love was a sight word pack that aligns with the Reading Street program our district uses... this pack includes a ton of sight word activities that I use each week and my kids love all of them!

I'm excited to get back to work... a week off is great but by the end of the week I had a serious case of cabin fever.  Because we had the week off we'll be spending the first few days back reviewing expectations and routines... a week off is just enough time for my kiddos to forget some of the most important aspects of our classroom!  We will also celebrate our 100th day on Wednesday. I had my kiddos gather a collection of 100 items over the week off so I can't wait to see what they have come up with!

Here's a quick peek at what we'll be doing this week...

Click on the plans to download with hyperlinks!

In math workshop this week we're moving into our measurement unit.  I'm excited about this unit because there are so many ways to apply this to the real world.  During our math tub time my Firsties will be working on fact families, place value, and addition this week. This fact family owl game is an oldie but goodie... they haven't seen this yet so I'm sure they'll be excited to use it.  

We're also going to be using this St. Patrick's Day addition game.  I found some gold coins at the dollar store and it gave my the idea to create this game...I'm sure the kids will love using the coins to play this game.   
Addition to 20 game
We'll also be "Building Numbers" to review place value. 

Over the last few weeks I've been thinking about some new math tub games I want to create for the last few months of the school year.  During my week off I pulled out this book and re-read most of it. It's a great book with so many great ideas!  Lots of different ways to add meaningful practice to our math workshop time!.  If you haven't read this book pick up a copy.  I've read this book as well as her literacy work station book and both books are incredible!  Can't wait to start creating some new math games!

Have a great week!

Be sure to check out Mrs. Wills Kindergarten to see what others will be doing this week!


Five For Friday - Valentine's Day


I'm linking up today for Five for Friday!   

That's right... we started off this week with more snow AGAIN!  Two Mondays in a row we had no school. Two Tuesdays in a row we had a two hour delay... we haven't had a full week in weeks!  I'm ready for this winter to end!!

This is my back patio... the picnic table is just about buried in snow!  While this week was warmer, and when I say warmer it was only around 25 degrees, this weekend the DEEP freeze is coming in.  Wind chills this weekend are expected to be minus 15 to minus 25... yikes!  OH, and there is more snow coming this weekend as well!!   

Two - Winter Break
That's right... next week is our winter break. A whole week off!  I have a ton of planning to do for the upcoming weeks as well as a list of TPT projects I want to accomplish.  I guess it's a good thing it will be too cold to go outside.  

I did get a ton of report card assessments completed over the last few weeks.  Hopefully I can get a few sections of my report cards completed over the break as well.  

Three - Problem Solving 
My kiddos rocked problem solving over the last two weeks.  I'm so impressed by the strategies they use and how well they understand how to solve word problems.  

I think one of the best strategies we have used this year is using a part-part-whole model or a number bond to help us problem solve.  Once the kids fill in one of these models with the numbers they know, they are better able to use a strategy to solve the problem.  

We begin and end each math workshop with problem solving... lots of practice has resulted in great results.  We always begin with a word problem on the Promethean Board.  We read and discuss the problem and them my kiddos solve it on their work mats.  Kids learn math by doing not by watching.

Lately we have been using these Construction Problem Solving Printables at the end of each lesson.  The kids love the theme and have done a great job solving the word problems.  This pack only includes addition but I'm hoping to finish the subtraction pack over the winter break next week.  

Sometimes I project the colored version on the board and we solve it together at the end of the lesson.  Other times I print out the black and white version and my kids hand it in so I can take a look at their math thinking.  A change of pace is always welcomed in our room!  

Four - Math and Valentine's Day
For our math journals this week we used some Valentine's Day interactive journal activities to practice skills we have been working on over the past few weeks... the kids loved the Valentine's Day theme! I think we'll probably use these until the end of the month... live up the Valentine's Day theme all month!

Five - ELA Resources 
This week we have been working on contractions.  My kiddos loved using these broken heart puzzles to match contractions.  

My kiddos have gotten bored with building words with letter cards or magnets so I needed to think of some new ideas this week.  To build contractions we used clothespins with letters written on them.  The kids found the letters they needed and clipped the letters on each card.  

I found this great organizer at Walmart and it's big enough to hold 4 clothespins for each letter.  The drawers are a bit hard to open but after a few minutes the kids got the hang of it.  

I also let my kiddos build sight words this week with conversation hearts.  They begged me to let them eat one... then we talked about germs and how everyone in class had touched the candy.  Mission accomplished... they no long wanted to eat them.  I had one kid ask to build with the cupcake erasers too!

Happy Valentine's Day :)

Thanks so much for visiting!  Have a great weekend! Stay warm if you're in the great Northeast!


Wordless Wednesday - Poetry

I'm linking up with Miss DeCarbo for:

What are your kiddos enjoying this week?

Our weekly poem this week has a Valentine's Day theme and comes from this Shel Silverstein book!  My kiddos and I have been reading "Hug O' War" all week. 

At the beginning of the week we read the poem on the Promethean Board.  Today I got out the book to read the poem and my kids asked me to read a few more poems from the book.  Well, 15 minutes later we had read a ton of the poems and they enjoyed each of them!! They were talking about the poems for the rest of the day.  Mission accomplished!

Enjoy the rest of your week!


Valentine's Day Math Resources

Hi Y'all.  Valentine's Day is this week and my kiddos are EXCITED! It's such a cute holiday for the kiddos and they get so into making just the right Valentine for their friends.  

We had a snow day today so I had a few extra minutes to finish up some interactive math notebook printables for Valentine's Day.  I put up a few as a freebie on my TPT store as well as a full file that includes 10 notebook printables.  I hope you find them helpful!

My class has been working hard on addition to 20 as well as finding the missing part of number sentences and adding three numbers.  These are the skills I included in this file.

 In math this week we'll be using a few of these notebook printables during our math workshop each day.  We'll also be using these cute cupcake erasers I found at the Target Dollar Spot.  We used them last week and the kids just loved them!  

With my snow day today I was also able to prep all the cards for my kiddos.  I posted a picture yesterday... I only had one done for the picture.  Today I finished the cards! They're available for free on my TPT store if you're still looking for a cute Valentine for your kiddos!

Have a great week!  Happy Valentine's Day!  

Peek at My Week - Valentine's Day

 I am looking forward to this week... my kids are pumped about celebrating Valentine's Day all week!  Here's a quick peek at what we'll we doing this week!

My kiddos have gotten a bit bored building words with magnets or letter cards so I had to think of something to bring a bit of excitement back to word work.  I decided to have the kids build words and for this week contractions, with clothespins.  I found this great organizer at Walmart yesterday and there is plenty of room to store 3-4 clothespins for each letter!  Amazing!

 As part of my Valentine Contraction Activities my kiddos will be building contractions using these pins this week. 

My kids left on Friday so excited about this upcoming week. They must have asked me 10 times on Friday when we would be making our Valentine bags to hold all of our cards. We're making them on Friday... We use big brown bags and create Valentine Creatures that the kids just adore.  

I remember making a small box to hold Valentines when I was in elementary school.   Back them everyone passed out a card... no candy, tattoo, or other trinket was attached.  Now the norm is a Valentine with something extra.  I kind of miss just passing out a sweet little Valentine to everyone.  

To practice our sight words this week we are building the words using conversation hearts.  I posted this freebie in my TPT store.  I printed the pages on colored paper to make it a bit more festive.  Then I put each page in a page protector so we can reuse during guided reading groups this week.  I usually don't laminate pages I want my kiddos to write on because it's hard to erase white board marker from lamination.  It's much easier to erase marker from page protectors!  

I have been going back and forth about making cards or buying cards for my kids.  I decided to make a few cards this morning and I have posted them for free in my TPT store.  I have some Valentine pencils from the Target Dollar Spot that I will attach to the cards. 

Have a great week!  Happy Valentine's Day!!

Be sure to check out Mrs. Wills Kindergarten to see what others will be doing this week!

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