Five for Friday - February 6th


I'm linking up today for Five for Friday!   

This has been a LONG winter and it's not over yet.  The week began with a snow day on Monday.  I know... some of you would have loved a snow day right after the Super Bowl!  Go Pats!  However, the last few weeks we've have snow days and delays and I haven't had my kiddos for a full week in a long time!  

Back to the snow day on Monday.  We got 18 inches of snow!  Lots of shoveling for me and the Mr.  Not only did we get a ton of snow, we have had sub-zero temperatures here as well. 

Tuesday morning we woke up and the temperature was -12.  Minus 12 people... we live in New York not Alaska.  With the wind chill that morning it felt like -17.  That's cold.  We had a two-hour delay on Tuesday.  Thank goodness because the roads were terrible going to school that morning.  The snow the day before coupled with the temperatures made the roads a sheet of ice.   

Two - Clipboard for Data Collection

I found this cute little clipboard at the Target dollar spot and it has made my life so much easier!  I bought it without having an idea of how I would use it, but I knew I'd think of something. Each morning I stick a few post it notes on it and I take it everywhere I go in the classroom.  This allows me to jot down notes/observations as I move around the room.  Then at the end of the day I write my notes in my more formal data collection folders.  An example of these folders is below.    

I have a few different folders to keep data/information: Writing Workshop Conference Notes, RTI, and Math Workshop Notes.  I find this is the easiest way to keep track of progress and different notes.  

It may seem silly to write it twice but it works for me.  The clipboard is so small and I don't need to find the correct folder to jot down notes as  I move around the room.   

Three - Math Workshop
We rocked math workshop this week!  Even though we had a shortened week and I squeezed a TON into our math block each day, my kiddos were ready to go each day.  Anytime I introduce a new math tool or math tub game they get excited.  I have a bunch of kids that are excited by learning.  It's such a thrill to work with them everyday.  We work hard but we have a lot of fun doing it!

On Wednesday we had one of those great days where everyone "got" the math.  We were working on relating addition and subtraction and we were using any strategy previously taught to solve the problems.  All my kiddos were using strategies that made sense to them.  My teaching heart beamed!  I was so proud!

During our math block on Wednesday we used these cupcake erasers from Target to help us add and subtract.  While we were working in small groups, some of my kiddos were working on these mitten math tubs.  One group was adding three numbers while another group was finding the missing addends in number sentences.  Both groups rocked these tubs!

Four - Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is coming... I'm not a huge fan of the day but I love the decorations.  There are a ton of cute decorations that I just adore.  Here are a few pics from my dining room.  Thank you Target dollar spot for these little gems.  

As you can see I haven't finished the wreath... I better get on it.  I started it during our December break.  We had a ton of time off and the house looked kind of dull after I took down the Christmas decorations.  Once school went back in I haven't found the time.  Perhaps this weekend I'll finish it!

Five - Dogs that Snuggle

We have a wood stove in our house and as you can see sitting next to it is important to these two.  So important they need to share the bed.  Or, they're just snuggling because it's so cold.  My kiddos got a kick out of this picture. 

Thanks so much for visiting!  Have a great weekend!  


  1. Those Valentine's Day decorations are so cute! I love Valentine's Day decor!! I need to be better about carrying my clipboard around. I always set it down to do something and then never pick it up again.

  2. I saw that clipboard too and almost got it! Target's Dollar Section is a killer every time! Stay warm! I grew up in Ohio and had snow days all the time...Teaching out here in Vegas...I NEVER get snow days! But I am not complaining...haha it was 70 here today! Bundle UP!

  3. The snuggling dogs picture is priceless. Don't you wish you knew what they are thinking? We have not had snow this year, but it is rare in Alabama! Hoping your snows have stopped! Have a great weekend!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

  4. Your dogs are precious! Do you use enVisions math? I thought I recognized those lovely worksheets =) How do you implement math workshop with enVisions? How do you find the time. I've been trying to do both but can't seem to fit it all in! I'd love any tips you have!

    Teach Talk Inspire

    1. Yes, we do use the enVisions math program. Here in NY we also have Math Modules that have been released by the NYS Education Department. We are using some pieces of the modules as well.

      My math block is about and hour and a half long... I'm lucky this year that my schedule allows for this each day! I would say my math block is a cross between Daily 5 and a workshop model that is typically used for literacy.

      I only do a short mini-lesson each day to go along with the enVision or Module lesson. Then I do more in-depth teaching and practice with my kiddos during small group time. As I work with small groups my kids rotate through different activities. I am loving math this year... my kids are blowing me away with their number sense and problem solving skills this year. I also posted about Math workshop on my blog a few weeks ago... I hope that helped. Let me know if you have any questions


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