Wordless Wednesday-Carpet Rectangles

Today I'm linking up with Miss DeCarbo for Wordless Wednesday.  

Here's my picture for the week - a great find at a local home improvement store!

During our daily 5 time as well as the independent reading portion of our reading workshop each day I always have kids sitting on the floor.  The kiddos never complain because I think they think it’s awesome that they get to pick a spot each day to do some of their best work.  That being said, I always feel kind of guilty that they’re sitting on the floor.  I have some large carpet squares that we do use from time to time but they’re big and bulky and hard to put away when the kids are finished so we don't use them that often.

I was in a local home improvement store this past weekend looking for bathroom fans (sounds fun, I know!) and I came across these stair treads in one of the aisles.  My teacher mind started spinning and I knew I needed to have them.  The treads came in a pack of 13 for $9... such a great deal!  The treads aren’t huge but they’re big enough for their bottoms to sit on when the find a comfortable book nook around the room.  They’re also small enough so the kids can easily put them away when they’re finished.  I can’t wait to use them this year!

Do you have anything you’re kids use in book nooks during daily 5 or reading workshop time?

Be sure to check out Miss DeCarbo's site to see more Wordless Wednesday posts.


  1. Hey, JD, these are an interesting find with many possible uses. I love home improvement stores. Can you tell me the dimensions, please? Thanks, Kathleen Kidpeople Classroom

  2. For anyone wondering the dimension for each tread is 8x18.


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