Five for Friday - Return from Winter Break

I'm linking up today for Five for Friday!

ONE- Back to School
Our district had last week off for Winter Break.  It was great to have the week off to catch up on some planning and other projects that needed my attention.  

We've been stuck in the deep freeze here. However, this week we didn't have any snow!  Thank goodness.  I'm done with the snow this winter.

It warmed up a bit this week and I was able to snap these pictures of beautiful sunrises as I was leaving for school in the morning. Spring IS coming!

TWO- 100th Day
We finally celebrated the 100th day of school this week.  This was the first year I had my Firsties bring in a collection of 100 items.  I'm glad I did it... they really enjoyed sharing their items.  To add some math to this activity we counted our items by 1s, 5s, and 10s.  It was a great way to end the 100th day!
Kids got creative with 100 items... marshmallows, erasers, toys, goldfish crackers

We also did a quick writing activity about what we would be like when we're 100.  I snapped a few pictures of the writing. One of my kiddos wrote that when he's 100 he'll be president... love it!  To them the president is old, doesn't matter how old, just old!

These two wrote about living in a nursing home and having glasses... so sweet.

Thank you Teachers Pay Teachers for a huge sale the last two days.  Teachers appreciate the discount!  I stocked up on a TON of clipart.  Thank you Krista Wallden at Creative Clips for your amazing clipart... I can't wait to use it all!!

FOUR - March is Here
I feel like I've been scrambling all week to get some things prepped and ready for next week.  I can't believe it's March already. 

I spent a bit of time this week creating addition and subtraction games to go with some gold coins I found for St. Patrick's Day. My kiddos played the addition games this week and we'll be moving on to the subtraction games next week. 

When I broke out these coins on Monday the kids went NUTS.  It's always amazing to me how something so simple can be so exciting and motivating to the kids. I love teaching first grade... such a gift!

This sweetie finished the game and was so proud... she asked me to come look and take a picture!

FIVE - Report Cards
I feel like I've been working on report cards and assessments for weeks.  Perhaps I have been with all the days off and delays we've had.  Report cards are due in a few weeks and I am knee-deep in assessments.  Even though it adds a layer of stress to the days I love seeing how far the kids have progressed and I love working with them one-on-one.

One of the best ideas I've seen on Pinterest is using an iPad or tablet for word lists you want your kiddos to read.  I use my iPad for a sight word and phonics list... no more flipping through cards or presenting the kids with a long list of words to read.  This is such a life-saver!

Thanks so much for visiting... have a great weekend!


  1. The coins are a great idea! I teach 3rd graders, and I sometimes forget to pull in novel items like that. I think a trip to the holiday aisles at the store might be in order this weekend! Krista Wallden is one of my favorite clip artists, as well. I love everything she creates. Have a great weekend!
    Laughter and Consistency

  2. I love your 100th day craft! They came out so cute! I just love Krista Wallden's clip art, I stocked up on so much during the big sale! Have a great weekend!!

    Teach Talk Inspire

    1. Cannot get enough of Krista Wallden clipart... I stocked up too! Bought the March bundle and I can't wait to see what I get tomorrow!!


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