Five for Friday

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday!

ONE: Plants
We had our first sprout this week.  The kids are so excited.  What a great opportunity for the kids to learn about plants and to take ownership of our classroom garden.  

TWO: Fluency
We have really been focusing on fluency the last few weeks during our reading meetings as well as reading workshop each day.  My RTI kiddos enjoyed this roll and read game to practice our weekly sight words.  Such a quick way to get some fluency practice each morning.  

 THREE: Morning Tubs
Our morning tubs games/activities have been a big hit the last few weeks.  We get these tubs out three days a week and my kiddos have really enjoyed using these materials.  I love that they're able to work together to complete the task the choose.  

 FOUR: Horrible Harry
Can I tell you how much my class LOVES these books.  They cannot get enough.  We finished Horrible Harry Goes to Sea and we're on to the next book.  I've been searching eBay trying to find a large set of these books to add to my classroom library... the kids are hooked!

FIVE: T-shirt
One of my kiddos wore this shirt this week and it made me laugh... I had to share!  Happy Friday everyone! 

Have a great weekend.. Don't forget to check out Doodle Bugs Teaching for more Five for Friday posts!  

Five for Friday

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday... on Saturday!

ONE: Oobleck
March came too quickly this year and it kind of slipped my mind last week that we should have celebrated Dr. Suess.  So this week we celebrated Dr. Seuss by reading several of his books.  Perhaps the most popular book this week was Bartholomew and the Oobleck.  My kiddos loved listening to the story and then writing about what the king learned.  That afternoon we created our own oobleck to take home... it was definitely a big hit!!  

TWO: Writing Workshop
My kiddos did a great job this week revising and then editing their pieces to publish in writing workshop.  I've always struggled with editing lessons but this year it really clicked with my kiddos.  They were so motivated to make their pieces the best they could be and they really wanted to help their buddies with their pieces as well.  I love to see the kids working so well together and I'm looking forward to reading their published pieces this week!!

 THREE: Work Work
This week I introduced scrabble spelling and I needed some scrabble tiles.  Last year I used Scrabble Cheez Its, but it was so messy I wanted to use the regular tiles this year.  I randomly found a very old scrabble game in one of my back closets and jackpot... I found both the wooden tiles as well as cardboard letter tiles!!  The kids loved building our spelling words and then using them in a sentence.  I've noticed how well my students are writing in sentences and I'm sure it's in large part to all the practice they get during our daily 5 time.  

 FOUR: Place Value Workmats
This week we took a short break from our addition and subtraction practice to do some place value work.  Determining ten more and ten less can be very tricky for some kiddos so I created these workmats that got a ton of use this week.  I like to have the kids build the numbers and then determine the ten more and ten less numbers.  I think seeing the number in front of them helps them with this skill and in the end makes this skill more automatic.  

FIVE: Fluency Strips
I began new RTI groups this week after I finally finished report card assessments last week.  I have a few kiddos that need to work on their reading fluency.  They tend to read word by word and aren't confident in their word reading so they tend to sound out every word.  My kiddos loved reading these fluency strips and it's a great activity a few kids can work on together each day during our RTI time.   

Have a great weekend.. Don't forget to check out Doodle Bugs Teaching for more Five for Friday posts!  

Five for Friday... On Saturday again!!

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday... on Saturday!

I can't seem to get these posts up on Friday night!!  Here are some highlights from our week... it was another long one!!

ONE: Morning Work
After reading Brown Bag Teacher's post on her morning tubs I was intrigued!  We rarely get free choice time during our week and I thought this would be a perfect opportunity for my kids to play games, work on some fine motor skills, and learn to work together,  I decided to do it three days a week and the kids LOVE it!  They're motivated to unpack and make a selection and they are truly learning how to work together.  I've decided to change the tubs every two weeks so it's a little less prep for me on a weekly basis.  

TWO: March Math
This week during our math rotations we took out our March math tub games.  I was going to wait another week but with Easter being so close to St. Patrick's Day, I took out all the March themed tubs and problem solving printables.    
THREE: Contractions
Last week we reviewed contractions by matching cards together. This week we stepped up our game a bit.  I had my kiddos take two words and write a contraction with those words on a post it.  Then they needed to sort the word on the board.  My kiddos this year are getting contractions and they are understanding what letters to replace with the apostrophe.  

 FOUR: Vocabulary
As part of our weekly ELA curriculum we have "Amazing Words" that we introduce and use in a poem/song.  This year we've been introducing the amazing words on Monday. We define the words, act them out, use them in a sentence, and then sing them in a song.  The acting out of the words has really transformed this time as it gets the kids moving and really helps them to internalize the words.  By Thursday we each get our own version of the poem that we read and highlight amazing words in.  It's amazing to me how the kids remember these words weeks later when they find them in other texts.  Usually they act out the word when they find it and this tells me the acting out is a great edition to our word study time.  

  To ensure we're practicing and attempting to use these words each day of the week, I created this tree where we collect our amazing words.  The bananas play off the monkeys I have hanging in my Jungle themed classroom and the kids love adding the words each week.  

FIVE: Math Manipulatives
I may have a slight obsession with math manipulatives.  The Target dollar spot gets me every time... much to the dismay of the Mr.!!  This is just a sampling of what I have for the spring!!

Have a great weekend.. Don't forget to check out Doodle Bugs Teaching for more Five for Friday posts!  

March St. Patrick's Day Prep with Freebie

It's officially March and I can't believe it.  It doesn't seem like it can be March already because we haven't had a winter here in upstate New York.  It feels more like late fall than March 1st but none the less we're moving forward... the rest of the year is going to fly by.  I wanted to share a few of the math resources we'll be using over the next few weeks during our math workshop block each day.  

These math spinner games are easy to prep and allow for lots of addition and subtraction practice in the classroom.  The addition pack includes sums to 10, 20, doubles, as well as ways to make 10.   

The subtraction pack includes subtraction from 10 as well as subtraction within 10 and 20.  I found gold coins at the dollar store last year and I have my kiddos use the coins as their game board markers.  

I also have a missing part game we'll use during our math rotations.  The kids need to find the missing part of each number bond and then sort the number bonds based on the missing number.  The more practice they get with this skill the more fluent they are with both addition and subtraction.
I've been creating spinner games for each Month of the year and these March Math Tub Games are now in my TPT store.  There are several versions of many of the games to make differentiating easy.    

I've also created additional spinner games that use two spinners are I use these games tp differentiate the tubs my kiddos use each day.  I laminate these add/subtract and cover games, put out two-sided counters, as well as a paperclip and my kiddos are ready to play the game.  The addition spinners have sums all the way up to 35 while the subtraction cover games include differences within 20.  

I also have my kiddos write number sentences as they practice addition and subtraction facts.  As I circulate around the room I like to see what my kiddos are working on so I know they're practicing their math facts correctly.  While I usually put these pages in page protectors so they kids can use dry erase markers, I sometimes copy the pages and have the kids hand them in so I can look over their work... so many possibilities!!

To go along with the add/subtract and cover games I've included a doubles version for my kiddos who still need practice with their doubles facts as well as a subtraction from 10 version for the kids that need friends of 10 practice.  

Similar to the fact family games is this missing part game.  I have my kids roll a 12 or 20 sided dice for their whole.  Then they roll a 6 sided dice for the one part.  Then they need to figure out and record the missing part.  I like to see the work for this game as this game be tricky skill to master.

We begin and end each math workshop block with problem solving.  I feel like kids cannot get enough problem solving practice.  To begin our workshop block we always solve a word problem with our math buddy.  I have the kids work through a word problem on their work mats.  The student with the pen explains to their partner how they are solving the problem.  Each day we switch up who solves the word problem but I love that my kiddos are using math talk with their buddies.  

To end our workshop block, typically three times a week, we end with a problem solving printable.  It's just one word problem the kids need to solve and I usually check it right then so they can make corrections as necessary.  The printables I've been creating have different themes including construction, rainy day, pet shop and winter/snow themes. 

The printables always have a real world feel to them... that being said, the St. Patrick's Day word problems do not... enter in Leprechauns and gold coins.  All the printables packs in my TPT store include result unknown, change unknown, and start unknown examples.  I encourage my kiddos to use a tape diagram or a number bond to solve the word problem and I make them label their answer based on the question that was asked.  

For St. Patrick's Day I've created these half sheet printables that you can download from my TPT store for free.  I hope your kiddos enjoy these!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

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