Five for Friday: Oct. 9th

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for 

Here are a few, quick highlights from our crazy busy week! 

ONE: Reading Workshop
Reading workshop is in full swing in our classroom.  We've built our stamina, we've learned how to shop for books (this is still so stressful for me), and we're now learning about decoding strategies to help us read.  
My kids did a great job picking book nooks this week and were able to read independently while I conferenced with a bunch of students.  These book boxes and carpet squares (rectangles) have been a great addition to our reading workshop time each day! 

I really tried to allow my kiddos to shop for their books in our classroom library this week without me hovering!  This is so stressful to me because I feel like I need to control this process.  But... my kids did a great job returning books and then selecting new books.  They were even able to log in their new titles without my monitoring of this task.

TWO: Sight Word Games
It's always amazing to me that something so simple can make 6 year old so happy.  This week we used our Spin It, Read It, Find It games to practice reading new sight words.  I love these games because they don't require a ton of prep.  The kids love this activity because I have a class full of students that love playing games... I'll be sure to use this to my advantage all year!

    THREE: Fire Safety
Firefighters visited our school today and our class was buzzing by 9:01.  I came across this book yesterday to add to my fire safety activity we completed at the end of the day today.  I'm so glad I found it... I really need a list of all the books I have to use during lessons because I swear I forget about half the books I could be using!  Does anyone else feel this way?

FOUR: Interactive ELA Notebooks 
Our interactive ELA notebooks are really working with these kiddos... after many weeks of modeling I feel like we have the routines down!  Thank goodness!! I really enjoy these notebooks because the kids get an opportunity to apply what they've learned.  

Five: Happy Halloween
I decorated for Halloween last Thursday (October 1st) but I didn't get a chance to share the picture last week... kiddos loved the little touches of Halloween around the room. 

Pardon the air conditioning... the district covers them up but does not remove them for the winter.  The best picture comes in December when I decorate for Christmas with the air as a background!

Happy Fall Y'all!

 Don't forget to visit Doodle Bugs Teaching!

1 comment

  1. Like your little Halloween Corner with spiders and all! Enjoy your weekend.


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