Five for Friday - February 3rd

How is it February already... where did January go?  I'm not ready for it to be February!  Here's a peek of what we worked on this week!

ONE: Morning Tubs 
This week we had a new round of morning tubs to try out.  My kiddos love these options on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  I love that they get to use their imagination and problem solving skills to complete many of the morning tub tasks. 

TWO: Adding 3 Numbers
Last week we worked on adding three numbers when the kiddos could make a ten or a double.  This week I told my kiddos that this isn't always possible so they needed to think of a different way to add three numbers.  

To keep the kids engaged since we were working on adding three numbers for several days, I brought in some M and M cookies I baked this weekend so I could show the kids a real world application to adding three numbers.  I loved hearing their math thinking and how each kiddo used a different strategy to add three!

THREE: Solids and Liquids
Our investigation into solids this week focused on whether solids could be stacked or rolled, or in some cases, both.  We also had great discussions around what the difference between rolling and sliding is.  I was so proud of my kiddos as they came up with some characteristics that make a solid an object that is able to roll!  Such great discussions!!

FOUR: Making 10 to Add 9
Making ten to add 9... what a whirlwind.  We ended this week with the strategy and I have to say using counters and walking through it step by step with my kiddos in small groups showed me they can do it.  So proud... now we have to see if they can apply it on their own!

FIVE: February Prep
No sure how it's February already but I'm busy prepping some materials to use for Valentine's Day.  The Target dollar spot gets me every time... I have enough math counters to last a lifetime!  We have a week off at the end of February so I try to squeeze all this February stuff into the first two weeks... it's not always easy!

Have a great weekend.. Don't forget to check out Doodle Bugs Teaching for more Five for Friday posts! 

1 comment

  1. All those activities look like so much fun...especially the one involving cookies!


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