Wordless Wednesday - Poetry

I'm linking up with Miss DeCarbo for:

What are your kiddos enjoying this week?

Our weekly poem this week has a Valentine's Day theme and comes from this Shel Silverstein book!  My kiddos and I have been reading "Hug O' War" all week. 

At the beginning of the week we read the poem on the Promethean Board.  Today I got out the book to read the poem and my kids asked me to read a few more poems from the book.  Well, 15 minutes later we had read a ton of the poems and they enjoyed each of them!! They were talking about the poems for the rest of the day.  Mission accomplished!

Enjoy the rest of your week!

1 comment

  1. Great book choice :) My class is enjoying the book The Wizard of Oz.

    Mrs. Wiley
    @ Wiley Teaching


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