Wordless Wednesday

Today I'm linking up with Miss DeCarbo for Wordless Wednesday.  

Here's my picture for the week!

I've been looking for almost a year for something like this and was so happy to find it in the Target Dollar Spot last week. I have a white board as well as a chalkboard at my small group table but neither board has a stand so I'm always trying to maneuver it so everyone can see it. 

I've seen a chalkboard with a stand in the kitchen section of Target but I wasn't really willing to spend $15 on a board so when I found this two-sided easel for $3 I was excited.  I plan to use this at my small group table for reading and math.

What materials are must haves in your small group area?

Be sure to check out Miss DeCarbo's site to see more Wordless Wednesday posts.

1 comment

  1. Oh, I am so glad you shared this. I have been meaning to get into Target since school let out and just haven't made it in there. Today is the day! Thanks, Kathleen Kidpeople Classroom


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