Five for Friday

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for 

Cannot believe we are a full week into November already.  Time needs to slow down so we can enjoy Thanksgiving and all that goes with it before we turn our attention to Christmas.  
Here are a few highlights from our week.

ONE: Report Cards
These pictures can only mean one's that time of the year already.  This week I spent a ton of time doing assessments so I could start report cards.  By the look of this stack I need to get started.  I have two weeks to get report cards filled out and comments entered in.  I love and hate this time of the year.  I love to see where my kiddos are at this point and where we need to keep working.  But at times I feel overwhelmed by the time it takes to fill out each of these report cards.  It will get done... it always does. 

TWO: Friends of 10 Party
We had a party today for the friends of 10... based on a cute youtube song that my kids adore.  More to come on the blog this weekend about the party.  Let's just say the kids loved the party this afternoon and they really learned the "friends of 10"!

  THREE: Veteran's Day
I really wanted to begin a mini-unit on pumpkins this week but I felt learning about and celebrating Veteran's Day was a bit more important.  We began our week by reading this book and we learned a ton about veterans and this important day.  

We had a great discussion about the sacrifices veterans make to keep us safe and the kids seemed really moved by the courage of our military.  I think the word that came up the most was HERO and because of that, I had my kiddos do a short writing piece about why soldiers are heroes to us all. 

Four: We Are Bucket Fillers 
We had a new student join our class last week and I thought it was a perfect opportunity for us to review behavior management in our classroom.  All my kiddos definitely needed a refresher!  I decided after reading Have You Filled a Bucket Today I wanted each of my kiddos to write about one way they could fill a bucket.  They enjoyed writing their idea on a smaller bucket and they were so excited to share their ideas with the class.  

I love the bucket filling concept for 6 and 7 year olds.  It makes a very abstract concept (kindness) more tangible and easy for  kids to understand.  I even had some parents come up to me during our Halloween celebration to tell me that their son or daughter is using this at home as well... mission accomplished.  

While the bulletin board display is a nice visual reminder I also have our class recite a Class Pledge each day.  After reading we always discuss ways we can LIVE the pledge each day and the kids have really responded to this.  

Five: Book on CD Organization
I had a few minutes this afternoon and I finally got a chance to tape these CDs into the books they belong to.  I've had these books/CD for about two years and I've struggled how to store them so I remembered I actually had a CD to go with the book.  For lack of a better idea I taped the CD jackets into the back of the books.  At least I'll know what books I have on CD now!

Thanks for stopping by... Have a wonderful weekend!

 Don't forget to visit Doodle Bugs Teaching!

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